Best place to eat Bagels in Montreal

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The best place to eat Bagels in Montreal: Le Trou

When I was living in Thailand, I had the opportunity during a whole school year to travel between Thailand and Canada. So during one of my Canadian trips, I wanted so badly a salmon bagel, so we went into Griffintown in Montreal to try the salmon bagel from Le trou. This place is quite incredible; they make by hand their bagel, and the taste was perfect. So we bought a few to bring it home!!! 

Here is their website if you want to try them:

During this special time of COVID 19, they even propose to order online and you can come everyweek end to pick up your order (which is a great idea!!)

Then we walked along the Canal Lachine. After that, we went to the Atwater market. I love all these neat little shops where you can buy your fruits and vegetables, and even the strawberry is so good (yep, in Thailand strawberry is one of the fruits which has no taste also if they had a lot in Chiang Mai ). 

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Anna Rouvillois

Anna Rouvillois

This blog is about all my traveling around the world and the new experiences I was grateful to do. You will discover some recipes and some life tips. I hope you will enjoy this as much as I enjoy life!!!
Anna Rouvillois

Anna Rouvillois

This blog is about all my traveling around the world and the new experiences I was grateful to do. You will discover some recipes and some life tips. I hope you will enjoy this as much as I enjoy life!!!