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Dead Horse Point State Park

Once we finished walking into Canyonland National Park, we decided to make a quick stop at this State Park, who is close to it.

Where is Dead Horse Point State Park located?

It is near the town of Moab, in SE Utah

It is approximately 248 miles southeast of Salt Lake City.

Here are the directions: Drive nine miles northwest of Moab on US 191 and then 23 miles southwest on Utah 313 to the end of the highway.

Here is the address: 

Dead Horse Point State Park

P.O. Box 609

Moab, UT 84532-0609

The entrance fees are per vehicle, and it is $20 with up to 8 passengers. 

The origin of this State Park

When you arrived at the viewpoint, you are standing where the legends begin. 

This narrow neck of land is small but plays an enormous role in the origins of the name Dead Horse Point. 

For decades, legends and myths about ghostly horses, cruels cowboys, and leaps of fate have surrounded this land and given it the name Dead Horse Point. The tale that best provokes the imagination is the legend of the cowboys who worked on this mesa during the late 1800s. 

According to the legend, wranglers often drove herds of feral horses across this narrow bottleneck, leaving them corralled by the sheer cliffs. On one haunting drive, for reasons still unknown, the cowboys chose the best horses and left the others corralled on the point. With the gate across the neck closed, the remaining horses were trapped with no way out, no water, and no hope for survival. Those who found the remains of the unfortunate horses gave this place the name Dead Horse Point.

Why should you visit this place?

The day we went there, it was so hot!!!! And after reading the story of the horses who died there, I understand why they couldn’t make it.

Even if this story is unfortunate, the view is fantastic. The rocks are astonished. And if you look closely, you will see in the rocks the contour of a horse.

Enjoy this Park and don’t forget to bring a lot of water!!!

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Anna Rouvillois

Anna Rouvillois

This blog is about all my traveling around the world and the new experiences I was grateful to do. You will discover some recipes and some life tips. I hope you will enjoy this as much as I enjoy life!!!
Anna Rouvillois

Anna Rouvillois

This blog is about all my traveling around the world and the new experiences I was grateful to do. You will discover some recipes and some life tips. I hope you will enjoy this as much as I enjoy life!!!